Finding Magic in the Mundane

Have you ever wanted to wave a magic wand over your life? If not, lucky you! Most of us seek that quick fix to remedy the things that gnaw at us in the middle of the night. No matter how much one loves their home, family or career, we are all met with moments of doubt and worry. Life tests our ability to adapt and overcome by not quite letting us stay too comfortable for long. Nestled in the mundane exist opportunities to keep yourself motivated, to stave off stagnation. As we can mostly agree, allowing life to become redundant can stoke feelings of regret and despair. First, let’s try honesty. I know that honesty can be tricky but without it we’re just kidding ourselves. This isn’t anything new, we all know that being our true authentic selves is the most controversial thing you can be. Once you break through your own bullshit, your walls of dishonesty - that is where we really get cooking. Deconstructing our expectations, healing our regrets, our failures. Accepting that where we are at this moment is where we need to meet ourselves. Get in your own face, look yourself in the mirror and start holding yourself accountable. Create magic in the smallest moments and start turning that dial back to a happy place.

Ok, cool, cool, how? None of the following is ground breaking. It’s a list of things that we know we should do, but somehow don’t. Or perhaps don’t consistently do. So, let’s make a commitment, pinky promise:

  1. Start with the interior, if we feel good - our brain responds in kind. Drink the water (add mint), add cinnamon to your coffee, tea or smoothies. Hydrate! That is not news - just drink the water. The mint and cinnamon will calm your tummy (yes, I know about the tummy issues too).

  2. Sleep! For my fellow insomniacs, get into guided meditations. Combined with herbal remedies (your choice) it can get you into a healthy sleep pattern. Set an alert to remind you to start your sleep routine. Start an hour before you actually want to be in bed. Get off the phone/tablet and pick up a book (not a spicy one). I typically start with my nightly home warding and if I make it past that I read (something boring!) or turn on a guided meditation of my choosing. Before you drift off, ask your guides/loved ones/ ancestors to visit you in your dreams and help you with whatever is going on at the moment. Keep a journal next to your bed so that you can make note of any dreams, visitations or guidance you experience.

  3. Once you get those good habits in place, continue with the exterior. What do you want to convey with your style? What does your exterior say to the world? If you wear pajamas to the grocery store, it says, I am still sleeping. If you wear the same yoga pants every day, it says, I’m too lazy to wear a proper pair of pants. Please stop. AND Please do not say “I don’t care”, because you do. We both know you do. Not that you should mind what others think, but what do YOU think? Fashion speaks before you open your mouth. A red lip, a perfect shoe, a smart bag. It all speaks for itself. It does not mean it has to break the bank, but find accessories that say what you want them to! PRO TIP: We all have that friend that loves to shop, ask them for help. I promise, your clever friend is gonna love that you want to be their new paper doll. (I’m available for that service because I am that friend!)

  4. Get a new hobby. Love candles? great, melt some wax and make some fucking candles. Make jewelry, learn Greek, take up pottery. I don’t care what it is (within reason) do something different. It allows you to be creative, gets you out of your daily routine and expresses something in you that the world needs more of.

  5. Take a walk in nature. Oh yes, get your trainers on and put one foot in front of the other. EVERY DAY. Walk through your yard, the park, the local outdoor mall. Wherever, just get it done. 10 min or an hour, doesn’t matter. The time you take for yourself to simply be in your own head, moving your body, will make an impact. Smell the air, take in your surroundings. Notice how you feel in your neighborhood, in your city, in your skin. Do you love where you live or do you hate it? Do you need to move? Get a new job? Break up with the person currently disappointing you on the daily? You’ll find those answers on those walks. Collect rocks, smell flowers, pick up feathers. The world is full of tiny messengers, open your eyes and listen.

  6. Talk to your guides! Talk to them out-fucking-loud. Whenever you can. I do it in the car. I have long commutes and I often use that time to sort out some things. I talk to my dad, my friend Ann, my ancestors and anyone else willing to listen. Sometimes I cry, laugh, get angry… it depends on what’s brewing. You will get answers. They may come immediately or later in your dreams but I guarantee you, if you are willing to speak, they will listen and they WILL respond.

  7. Friends don’t lie. This my dear reader is the kicker. It’s not just a cleverly recited line in a beloved T.V. show, it’s an essential “new” rule for your life. Don’t limit it to friends, include everyone you allow in your circle. Honesty is not always easy but it’s the one thing that will truly free you. Not everyone will love it, they may even reject it. That is a risk to take, but if you attempt to come from a place of authentic love and transparency, you will get to where you need to go.

  8. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. No notes, that’s the tweet.


Into the Darkness


Once upon a time